
a3e studio

architecture & design

acropolis a3e


  • tipologia: residenziale, commerciale, uffici, ricettivo, masterplan
  • luogo: yerevan (armenia)
  • anno: 2011
  • committente: intercontinental hotels

info tecniche

  • Progettazione: studio a3e + alessia fiori
  • costo: 50.000.000 €
  • superficie: 25.000 mq

Competition | Housing | Landscape | Masterplan | Mixed use | pubblicato il 11 marzo 2013

Nature and features of the assigned competition area suggests the scenery of a Contemporary Acropolis standing out from the city beneath: hill’s shape, landing profile of its top, boundary walls and existing entrances have been maintained as they are and used as starting points for the design proposal. Buildings raising from the fortified basement appear as new symbols of style, luxury and architectural quality for the city below.

The Ararat Mountain standing southbound is an absolute reference for the masterplan design, whose focal point leads the whole building positioning upon the basement, each overlooking southward and designed, as volumetric records and interiors, regarding the panoramic view.

Entrances renew the existing: main entrance is placed northern, perpendicularly to the project site, nearby the route exit, where the road network coming from the city and surrounding the hill connects. From the main entrance, the car flows divide leading westward to Intercontinental Hotel Hall, and eastward to the outdoor and underground parking lots, all surrounded by the northern park. All the driveways are concentrated in the northern area, far away from the public square on the south, only for pedestrians.

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acropolis acropolis acropolis
acropolis acropolis acropolis
acropolis acropolis acropolis
acropolis acropolis acropolis
acropolis acropolis acropolis
acropolis acropolis acropolis
acropolis acropolis acropolis
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