
a3e studio

architecture & design

flamingo’s a3e


  • tipologia: masterplan e definizione edifici
  • luogo: orestadt,copenaghen
  • anno: 2008
  • committente: europan

info tecniche

  • Progettazione: studio a3e + a.fiori + g.pietrapiana
  • superficie: 25.000 mq

Commercial | Competition | Housing | Landscape | Masterplan | Mixed use | pubblicato il 14 marzo 2013

The planning scheme starts from the typologial conformation moslty diffused in the high-density outskirts, defined by the enclosed and self-referring courts. the built facades have been opened applying two urban- connection systems: the first one derives from the analysis of the four urban distriscts sorrounding the buiding zone (Main Street, Canal Section, District Square and Park Section) each defined by precise functions and scenaries, whose interrelations generate dynamical urban flows modelling the spatial and functional design of the inner court. The other system represents the traditional court as a collective area mediating between the urban square and the private courtyard strictly related to the housing buildings. In this meaning the inner court elevates from the ground floor and defines a new covered square rising through two main levels: the covered square represents the natural extension of the district square and contains public functions of different types (entertainment, cultural, commercial, social and communal facilities). The square is strictly for pedestrians and has entrances from any of the four sides of the building zone. The introduction of the covered square doubles the height relations between facades and the ground levels: the higher elevation faces the urban surroundings on the outside of the Building Zone, while on the inside the buildings have lower facades proportional to the human scale of the inner green square.

flamingo’s flamingo’s flamingo’s
flamingo’s flamingo’s flamingo’s
flamingo’s flamingo’s flamingo’s
flamingo’s flamingo’s flamingo’s
flamingo’s flamingo’s flamingo’s
flamingo’s flamingo’s flamingo’s
flamingo’s flamingo’s a3e studio
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